Senior Health Partnerships Manager, Amazon

Jillian Griffith is a registered dietitian (MSPH, RDN) born and raised in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. She received her B.S. in public health and nutrition from UNC-Chapel Hill and her M.S. in public health and nutrition from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Jillian most recently joined the Underserved Populations team at Amazon as a Senior Business Developer, where she was responsible for building health partnerships that meet the needs of underserved customers. She started her career working to improve the food environment on a national scale with Partnership for a Healthier America. From there, she focused her efforts locally as a retail dietitian on Giant Food’s Healthy Living Team, where she developed and led Giant’s customer and community engagement strategy for Ward 8 of Washington, DC.  Jillian’s mission is to create a food culture where healthy choices are inclusive, balanced, and accessible. In short, making the healthy choice the easy choice for all. Follow Jillian and her work on LinkedIn.