Founder and Executive Director, The Farm Collaborative

Born in the Middle East and raised in the highlands of Colorado, Eden Vardy experienced firsthand the impacts of climate change his whole life, and is dedicated to solving it. With that goal, he founded The Farm Collaborative in 2008. This innovative non-governmental organization integrates agricultural solutions to mitigate the impacts of global warming while benefiting the local community. Under Vardy’s leadership, the organization acquired the 2Forks Club, a regenerative philanthropy nonprofit that makes 0% interest loans to burgeoning agriculturalists, launched a multi-stakeholder, state-wide ecosystem to grow new farmers, and took ownership of edibleASPEN magazine. The group is now building a first-of-its-kind campus in Aspen that will showcase integrated agriculture while pioneering a farmer renaissance of young leaders. In 2019, Colorado Governor Jared Polis appointed Vardy to the state’s Parks and Wildlife Commission to represent agriculture. In 2021, Vardy was selected as the Eisenhower Agricultural Fellow. Follow Eden and his work on LinkedIn and Instagram.